Boogie Woogie Santa in AZ

Hello again! So I flew in Saturday night and meet up with Joseph Sabovcik at the bar for some late night food and drinks. He is one of the guys who skates the Sun Valley shows. Now we have no idea who else is going to be skating at the show and will end up finding out when we leave tomorrow from the hotel. I knew Jason and Yuka were going to be there, but that was all....

So the next morning I am pleasantly surprised to see Irina Grigorian and her husband, and my good buddy Mike Weiss! Rock on. So the show went very well, over five thousand people there!!!! This is the Honeywell Show...this big corporation that puts on an Xmas skating show for all their employees to enjoy. So I jam out there as Santa, and yes it does bum me out a bit not to have the fireworks. So Santa dipped, hopped, weaved, and jigged, but alas a level one was only obtained!!!! See, I could of done a level 4, but that would require me to be slow and boring. Mike admitted to me that when he took the 4 main things, rotation, turn, step, he would just do one of each in that order, then continue doing that all the way down the ice. He started to get those levels called of 4, and said it was easier footwork, but getting level four has nothing to do with the there you have it. Hanukah Harry sacrificed a turn and step for a good old sprinkler and cabbage patch move.

The routine just seemed ok, nothing great, but a Santa they never had before that could do backflips. Then we all packed up and ran to the airport for our flights out. Now that they have had a jammin’, slammin’ Santa, I’ll be curious if they request it next year....

Be well



Mrs. Clause!!!


A Roof!!! Yeah!!!