
At first I thought NASCAR was going to preempt the show. With the vcr at home on a timer, armed with my sony dvd recorder hooked up in Canada for a visit, I started to watch the show. I was surprised to see things in a different order, and some numbers completely cut. Joseph the Zombie, and Rory the witch, and Shae the cat was totally left off. I have to admit that I didn’t skate the number as well as I have been practicing it...which makes me wish they showed the other number, “Devil with the Blue Dress On.” Imagine me dressed as the nun with the whole makeup and horns, and then to become the big breasted blue dress devil. At least I was entertained. I had the beard grown and ready, but the makeup artist had a long beard and mustache to glue that I have seen it, I think I preferred my own facial hair better. And let me just tell you something...I am totally not that fat!!! :) Tv and those tight, sparkly red pants packed on the pounds eh? In any case, next show is Hanukkah Harry Thanksgiving thru Xmas. Will keep you all posted! Be well,


Santa (Hanukkah Harry) is Back