Sun Valley!!!

YES!!!! I have arrived!!!! For those of you who have never been to Sun Valley, make sure you visit it once in your lifetime. I can’t tell you how nice it is to escape from reality and live in the fantasy world of SV for a month. However, I don’t want you to think this is all fun and games out here. First, every Saturday night I have to skate the show with 2 numbers. For Sunday thru Friday I have a very rigorous schedule. First, I join the coffee club with the adults in the morning and skate around with some cool people. Then I have to ride the Harley around town, through the mountains, or anywhere else the wind takes me. Now that can be very exhausting!

The first show went very well, Tappin’ with Bob was clean, yet the Superhero has to get his jumps a bit better. I’m pretty excited because I understand Simone Grigorescu is coming for a week. I haven’t seen her in years, and yes, she is the one who choreographed Tappin’ with Bob ten years ago.

Also, I want to thank everyone who sent me their most memorable routines. I working hard and hope this routine will come together well and be worth doing on COI next year. Until the next update...

Be well,



Harley Mamma in Sun Valley!!!


DSC Ice Show and Harley