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Music Editing

Professional music editing for figure skaters, dancers, and anyone looking to provide a soundtrack to their life!

Music editing

Music is the motivation that lets your blade paint your canvas of ice.

The choice of music and the editing of it for a competition or show program is very important. It can make or break the overall feeling of the performance. Elements that need to be considered are as follows:

  • The flow of the music from one section to another.

  • Recognizing when a certain piece of music is better for a footwork section, and where that needs to be incorporated within the program (communicating with the choreographer).

  • If there is a similar, but more appropriate piece of music that is a stronger fit for the skater?

  • Would sound effects help highlight an element which can be added after the program is choreographed?

For the best in music editing contact Dan Hollander today!

Imagine a program created to counts of six and eight without music. Then, a music engineer creates sound effects and a back beat to match everything. That is the power of a good music editor. Check out this program with the full explanation here or watch the program below: