Santa, Beyonce, Meryl, and Charlie
This weekend was going to be a smidgin longer then the last. The local Fox station wanted to do a special interview with none other than me, Santa!!! Now you may ask, how can a 5'2" Jewish guy pull off a Santa voice without a Yiddish accent? Well, I wasn't sure either, Oy Vey, right? I get to the airport and for some reason the heat wasn't working at the terminal. We then boarded the plane which of course didn't have heat either. Yep, it was 15 degrees outside!!! Apparently the captain felt bad, and tried to make up for it by keeping the entire 2hrs in the air at a whopping 115 degrees! Getting to the hotel a good 10 pounds lighter from the loss of water weight, I prepared for the morning interview. Translation: went to bed and figured I would wing it.
6:30am I was down by the rink surface to talk to everyone involved except for the interviewer. The mall wanted one word answers, while the TV wanted full-on chit-chatting. It ended up being two segments which came off really well (so they say). I even told an anchor man he was on my naughty list and I was watching him. I promise I will push for the video so I can share it with you all.
Now I have a whole day to kill. So I walk the 15 minutes to the other mall to watch a movie. I saw Planet 51 which was pretty good. I had the ENTIRE theater to myself! It was so cool. Besides walking around and shopping, that was pretty much all I did on Friday.
The next morning I meet up with Meryl and Charlie for rehearsals. Below is a video of the morning work out, complete with what I see while I'm skating, and an extended Beyonce Santa.
Following this post will be a repeat of this one with a twist. My good friend Maryhelen asked if one of her students could send me a flat Stanley. If you don't know what that is, little kids make a picture of themselves and send it out to have pictures taken, then sent back to share the adventures with their class mates. So there you have it!
Till next weekend.
Be well,