Will ATT ever get its act together?

As you all know from Friday's post, ATT admitted they had a system problem causing me to lose out on some work and not provide me the service that I am paying for.  They credited me a measly $30 for my "trouble" for what I am currently spending around 130/month for.  Hmm...doesn't sound right does it?  I was extremely disappointed with the rep's attitude when I asked what are they going to do for my father who lives in the area and also has an iPhone.  "Well if he isn't using his phone and doesn't notice there is a problem then there is nothing to do."  Uhm, I'm sorry, he is ALSO paying for a service that you are not providing.

Wouldn't it be nice for ATT to send out a credit to the ENTIRE area of users saying, "hey, if you noticed it or not, our service wasn't up to par, so we are providing an adjustment to your bill."  I have yet to hear of them doing what I believe would be the right thing.

I then heard from an ATT rep:  ATTTimu on twitter.  I'm guessing ATT has employees that follow twitter and contact them to see if they can help resolve any issues.  The latest status is that I have sent him my phone and account information and his status says he won't be back until Tue.  Let's see what happens.

So I fly back to Detroit today and make my way to the baggage claim.  I collect my things and get ready to call my "pick up man" John.  Oh wait, what is this?  Could it be?  Yes, it can...AGAIN my phone has no reception.  I do a quick scan and see multiple finger sliding iPhone users having the same issue, NO SERVICE.  Yet for some reason there are many other people using phones talking to their loved ones saying, "I'm here, you can pick me up now."  So for the first time in a long time I thought about using a ::gulp:: a pay phone.  I went upstairs, finally got a connection, called, and ran downstairs to catch my ride, wasting 20 minutes.  Which of course I promptly lost service again.  Thanks again ATT.

My personal message to ATTTIMU.  My contract is up with ATT.  Yes I love my iPhone, but what good does it do me when I can't use it because of your spotty service?  I spend $130/month, and an service rep thinks a $30 credit makes up for losing out on work and my aggravation?  That maybe a promise of tethering for an iPhone that is long over due and iPhone mms and the "3g" network should cost iPhone3GS users an EXTRA $10/month isn't cutting it?  How a $30 credit is ok when your competition provides more 3g coverage, lower rates for unlimited texting/internet access and voice plans?  That quite possibly in Feb '10 the iPhone will be open to other service providers so apples can be compared to apples? Please tell me ATTTIMU, and all my friends, and all the people who read my tweets, fb, and blogs why I should stay with ATT and what you are going to do to make this right?  Now is your opportunity to show all the disgruntled iPhone ATT users why there shouldn't be a mass exodus from a company hasn't shown me the service that I am overpaying for?


Santa, Beyonce, Meryl, and Charlie
