Travel to Dallas and Hanukkah Harry meets Black Friday

Thanksgiving came early with a 7am wake up that was totally not scheduled.  I simply could not fall back asleep.  So after some paper work and house cleaning I jumped into my trusty Subaru and ran to the airport.  Armed with my trusty iPhone and cool new app "tripcase" I knew my flight was not only on time, but the security line was only a short 4 minute wait.  This is now one of my most useful, cool, FREE applications.  Sweet!

Now, once on the plane there are two very important things every traveler needs.  Yep, you guessed it, a passport and Starbucks.  After a great Turkey dinner at the Kirby's (thanks Holly, you rock!) we all went to the hotel to check in and a quick skate.  Keauna and Rockne are the special guest skaters along with a local team that David teaches, Ashley and Josh.  Look for them in the future, they are kicking some major butt at the Nov level and Ashley does singles as well.

The next day we had another quick run through.  The video is both pair teams running their number.

An hour or so later Hanukkah Harry took the ice after a year off, and with the magic of H.H. allowed for a flame retardant show again!  I was so happy to have my Jessica back to wire my skates again this year.  She was off last year on a retreat or something, totally not as important as wiring me up is all I can say!  "I've been kneeling behind him for years," was probably the funniest thing I have ever heard her say to boss man Randy who was questioning her flawless technique!

So for a few years I was asking for a half roof so I would have more room to walk around without the balcony people seeing me.  I finally do.  However, what the heck is that above our heads that we just noticed for the first time?  YEP, a security camera watching me CHANGE for all these years!  I'm surprised that hasn't hit youtube yet!  Jeesh!

The show went well, took a quick shower, and off to the Container Store I went that had a ton of cool stuff!  Yay for me!  I didn't buy anything, but it gave me some great ideas for a cool hidden jewelry cabinet.  Just what I need, another house project, blech.  I then sat outside under the sun on the computer for a while.  An iced chai tea latte with dark chocolate mint brownie had my name written all over it!

Now I have to admit I have a huge issue with the mall Santa.  He thinks he is all that, AND he takes credit for me, the real Santa's skating routine!!!  I mean the nerve!  SO I stopped by there today to have a talk with him and say he should pay me some of his salary if he is going to steal my street credit.  But, as you may notice in the picture there is a major line and he is just sitting there all by himself.  Maybe the kids could sense he was lying and refused to sit on his lap?  I don't know, but I'm just saying.  Oh well, that's just fine, the good children all know the truth, Hanukkah Harry rules!  Now for some rest and another show tomorrow!

Be well,




Santa 11/28/09


Scott Hamilton's new routine is here!