Two Santa Sightings!!!

This weekend Hanukah Harry will be performing not only in Dallas, but in AZ too! I have done this show a few times in the past. Honeywell corporation rents out the big venue and treats their employees to a skating show. The first year I performed, we all came out for the “grand” finale (only one routine per skater, a small cast, no intermission, and a little over an hour long). Well, in the middle of finale everyone in the audience was rushing out of their seats, and I remember thinking, “holly crap were we all that bad????” Not really...its just at the end of the show all the employees get these awesome presents for all their kids...the first year being those metal, fold up scooters called Razors. So this year I gave them the option of doing a little Santa action instead of my normal routines, and they accepted (without fireworks though). SO, Santa for the first time 8 years will have some kickin’ different tunes to jam to in this performance. Jason Dungeon is going to be there who is now a technical caller in the new system. My goal is for Hanukah Harry to rip out a level 4 straight line footwork, most of it made up on the spot! I mean come on, I can skate dreadfully slow in order to do every turn known to mankind tens times!!! :) I’ll keep you posted.

I get to the airport today and happen to be hanging out reading my mac magazine, drooling over a concept “Apple” Audi TT, and the agent starts to call people onto the plane. OK, your job is obviously in customer service, so you would think a nice disposition would be in order, yes? NO! First he is snapping on a guy who doesn’t have his ticket out of the folder, and announces that to the entire audience on the loudspeaker. Then he tells this lady with a stroller that she has to have a “check it at plane side” ticket that she must walk ALL the way back to the counter to get...I MEAN COME ON!!!! I have been traveling for a very, very, long time and I can honestly say EVERY TIME they give those right there as you are checking onto the plane!!! And if that was the policy, then they should have given it to her in the first place!!! So then another family walks up (I assume they are related) that has two women, each with a massive push stroller that has two screaming kids in each of them. “How many do you have here??” asks Mr. Ticket Jerko. The first lady attempts to answer, but it becomes apparent real fast that Spanish is her first language. After abruptly asking again, do you know what Jerko does??? HE ASKS HER AGAIN IN FLUENT SPANISH!!!! I mean you bastard, was it really necessary to ask her the second time in english??? breath, breath, breath.... My only solace is knowing the universe does balance itself, and he will totally have this brought back onto him in spades...I have seen too many angry, negative people get what they deserve in my life to many times to doubt this. “SO YOU BETTER BE GOOD FOR GOODNESS comes Hanukah Harry, here comes Hanukah Harry....”

Be well,



A Roof!!! Yeah!!!


Hello... What Were You Thinking???