Mrs. Doubtfire

Created 1999
Choreographer: Dan Hollander

This is by far my most popular routine. I knew as soon as Doubtfire hit the theaters, watching the cleaning scene, that I wanted to put that on the ice. My only problem was I needed something to put before it, something slow and something that would cover the granny outfit. Xmas ’98 I was over at Skip Anderson’s house who said I he had some music for me to skate to and played the Southpark Cd, a show I heard about but never watched before. When “I’m Sailing Away” came on, I asked which character was this??? When he told me the fat kid, it just clicked: covers the outfit, slow music. I cut the music and choreographed it myself in 2 days. Stephanie Pizzo gave a dance step or two, and I was ready. A trip to the salvation army for a 49 cent skirt, and history was made…by far the best return for my money!

Because of my lack of competitive success, I was not offered any shows with COI. I called my then agent and told him to get me on the Detroit Show for free if necessary, anything to get this number shown. I skated both shows in Detroit, to a standing ovation both times…Cartman being a huge hit, and then a jamming Granny meet with lots of laughter. I wasn’t invited for any more shows, they had their comedian, a French skater, Tobel.

That tour ended with Tommy realizing that Tobel was having a hard time coming up with new comedy routines that Americans understood. I have seen him do some gut busting stuff, that gets a tremendous reaction in Europe, but nothing in the States (and visa versa for me!). So Tommy invited me in 2000 to become a full cast member on the winter and summer tour. Tommy fell in love with this and Doubtfire was performed ’01 and ’02 totally over a hundred times. I love doing it, but I pushed hard to come up with something new and fresh, more for me than the audience.

Dan Hollander