
Professional Performer

Use Dan Hollander as your guest performer for your show!

Professional Performer

He'll entertain you like no one else can! 

Dan was four years old when he saw Scott Hamilton dressed in a chicken outfit on Champions on Ice, laughing till he had tears in his eyes.  Since then comedy has been the main focus in his skating career.  He was a full cast member of COI from 2000 until it closed in 2007, and continues to perform making audiences laugh world wide.

For availability to have Dan perform in your skating show please contact:

Dan's famous routines:


Created 2003
Choreographed: Simone Grigorescu

Ahh…one of my favorite numbers that Tom Collins can’t stand. This a great routine Tommy!!! I was returning an item to Circuit City and in the middle of the transaction I heard, “…if I die before I wake, at least in Heaven I can skate…” which was a music video playing on every tv in the store. I told the cashier sorry, but I’ll be right back and ran to the big screen to soak it in. I immediately bought the cd and listened to it NON-STOP for an entire year before my brain worked it out. I was going to be a goofy stuntman (like Super Dave) who attempts to backflip over a brick-wall (an aerobed with pvc legs helped designed by John…he really opened my eyes on how different things could be built and accomplished) and tanks miserably.

I then threw in a monk chant, pulled off the outfit to reveal I had died and gone to heaven with pop out wings. Those would have cost a MINT, and yet John figured a way to do it with metal, and staple clip removers, total material cost under 10 bucks! I flew Simone to MI and choreographed this in 2 days. I always get a good hand at this one, and even performed it on the Elvis Tour.

Dan Hollander