
Professional Performer

Use Dan Hollander as your guest performer for your show!

Professional Performer

He'll entertain you like no one else can! 

Dan was four years old when he saw Scott Hamilton dressed in a chicken outfit on Champions on Ice, laughing till he had tears in his eyes.  Since then comedy has been the main focus in his skating career.  He was a full cast member of COI from 2000 until it closed in 2007, and continues to perform making audiences laugh world wide.

For availability to have Dan perform in your skating show please contact:

Dan's famous routines:


Created 2010

Choreographer:  Dan Hollander with the help of Joel Dear

I have always liked the “stepping” that the college teams do, which I attempted to add to my Super Hero routine with the “Holler Back Girl.” I start out as the bumbling army private (think Gomer Pile) having fun and request my “crew” to come and “stomp with me.”   The crew comes out to step with me, and the “bad guy” Joel keeps trying to do his own thing. Then “Oh no you didn’t,” from the from the video game, Mercenary come on.   The idea was Joel came back to blow me up with the “ACME” TNT box.   So how does a person distract a guy from blowing something up? Put a pretty girl in front of him! So Darlin (in this video) is my “bate and switch” girl.  After that, as always, there needs to be a change, so the girls come to change me into a USO girl.  This is the first time I have used a group of skaters to help me tell my story.  I really enjoyed performing this number and want to thank everyone for helping me out with it!

Dan Hollander