
Professional Performer

Use Dan Hollander as your guest performer for your show!

Professional Performer

He'll entertain you like no one else can! 

Dan was four years old when he saw Scott Hamilton dressed in a chicken outfit on Champions on Ice, laughing till he had tears in his eyes.  Since then comedy has been the main focus in his skating career.  He was a full cast member of COI from 2000 until it closed in 2007, and continues to perform making audiences laugh world wide.

For availability to have Dan perform in your skating show please contact:

Dan's famous routines:

The Janitor

Created 1996
Choreographers: Stephanie Pizzo & Dan Hollander

Finally I hit my big break placing 3rd in the U.S. Tom Collins invited me to skate on his tour, the same tour that I saw Scott Hamilton when I was 5. I had this idea of being a janitor mopping up, starting to dance to the music and finds himself embarrassed because he didn’t know there were people in the stands. The music starts again, and he decides to just go with it. It took me hours following around Steph Pizzo, my off ice dance coach to teach me some rhythm! The number was a hit on tour, and my 18 cities turned into 48. Yes, it also helped that Surya was injured and Candelaro’s work visa was messed up. I can not even begin to tell you how cool it was when a little girl leaned over the ledge to point at me and say, “look mommy, its the funny guy!” It reminded me when I was 5, laughing at the funny guy dressed in a chicken outfit…

Dan Hollander